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8.1k questions

5.8k answers


19.1k users

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******* INFO ******* us on=========(([email protected]))
Killing people
Kill common people
Kill important people (without bodyguards)
Kill very important people (with bodyguards)
Kill a big boss (with many bodyguards)
Kidnapping common people
Kidnapping important people
Kidnapping very important people (with bodyguards)
Stealth Work
Murder that seems an accident
Sabotage (house, car, etc.)
Poisoning with no tracks
Kill someone and blame another
Heavy work
Exterminate an armed band
Placing explosives
Blast people, car, houses
Injure common people
Injure important people (without bodyguards)
Injure very important people (with bodyguards)
Particular requests
If you have particular request, ask us

1) Payment is made in bitcoins to ensure maximum privacy
2) Payment is made AFTER the execution of the job
3) A little advance is needed before starting a job
4) ******* us if you are really interested only

our contacts/.
******* INFO ******* us on=========(([email protected]))
General ******* email;==========(([email protected]))
Text=========+1 4603566535
Wickr ID : (Legitplug0008)

Dont forget~ we deliver on our ******* jobs. get to us for all your ******* jobs.

thank you.

SELLING BEST FIRE ARMS AND EXPLOSIVE / Hand Guns with good reviews Eagle,Glock 17,18,19, Berettam9, ruger,Ak47,45Ac0,9mm and OTHER Guns for sale ( Limited in Quantity TOP ARMS DEALER Thanks BEST SELLERS OF GUNS AND EXPLOSIVES) Kill your enemy/Rival before he kills you
The most reliable arms dealer .with the largest collection of firearms
ranging from ARs (assault rifles) handguns , shortguns, muzzel loaders , and many more .
We have a broad list ,there is almost nothing firearm that you wontfind with us, we also have a team of very discreet transporters that can deliver your order all over the globe . For more information on what we have in stock and how we operate or to place and order .
*- All messages will be answered within 24h.
*-We look forward to give to the best quality and the best *******.

our contacts/.
******* INFO ******* us on=========(([email protected]))
General ******* email;==========(([email protected]))
Text=========+1 4603566535
Wickr ID : (Legitplug0008)
in DarkNet & Markets by (1.7k points)

2 Answers

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Hello everyone, I am a consumer of ***** videos, which is why I accumulate more than 900GB in my HD in various types of ***** videos, and now I decided to start selling them at a fair and affordable price, in case you are interested in ***** videos, call this email: *****[email protected]

by (3.3k points)