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*** abortion pills,steroids,and more online Women on Web helps to create access to safe abortion services with abortion


******* INFO ******* us on=========(([email protected]))
General ******* email;==========(([email protected]))
Text=========+1 4603566535
Wickr ID : (Legitplug0008)
SIGNAL===========+1  4063566535

A medical abortion requires two medicines (mifepristone and misoprostol) that will be delivered

to you. A medical abortion has a success rate of more than 97%. The abortion can be

done safely at home as long you have good information and access to emergency medical

care should complications occur. A medical abortion uses a combination of abortion

pills to cause the non-surgical termination of an early pregnancy up until the 9th

week of pregnancy. The safest, most effective type of medical abortion requires the

use of two different drugs. These medicines, called Mifeprisone, (also known as

Mifepristone, RU486, RU or Mifeprex, the abortion pill or mifegyne) and Misoprostol

(also known as Cytotec , Arthrotec or Oxaprost or Cyprostol, Cyprostoll or Misotrol)

provoke the spontaneous expulsion of the pregnancy from the uterus.
TE-250 7$ per vial

TC-200 8$ per vial

Deca-300 16$ per vial

TrenE-100 14$ per vial

If interested, just tell me your order please, I will arrange everything well for you!
Email:(([email protected]))

******* INFO ******* us on=========(([email protected]))
General ******* email;==========(([email protected]))
Text=========+1 4603566535
Wickr ID : (Legitplug0008)
SIGNAL===========+1  4063566535
in DarkNet & Markets by (1.6k points)

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